
Les verbes d'état in french

06 oct. 2017 09:33 - language-swap

Niveau débutant

French verbs can be separated in two categories : “les verbes d'actions” and “les verbes d'état”
(translated by “state verbs” HOWEVER they are not to be confused with the English ones).
In this course, we will talk about “les verbes d'état” which are verbs expressing a state or the way of
being of someone.
Let's check the list out!
Être (to be), devenir (to become), paraître (to appear), sembler (to seem), demeurer (to remain), rester
(to say), avoir l'air (to look like), passer pour (to be considered as).
These verbs can be conjugated in every tense.
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Mots et Expressions