

06 oct. 2017 09:43 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire

When you are lost in a foreign country it is always helpful to ask for help. It's even better if you do it in the language of the country you're in. Let's check the French directions.

Ici Here
Là-bas There
À droite On the right
À gauche On the left
Tout droit Straight ahead/forward
Vers Towards
Jusqu'à… Until…
Faire demi-tour Make a u-turn
Faire…. Mètres Walk…. Meters
Traverser Cross
Marcher Walk
Tourner Turn
Continuer Continue/ Carry on/ Go on / Keep on
La rue The street
Prendre une rue Take a street
La rue principale The main street
Un boulevard A boulevard
Une avenue An avenue
La route The road
La ruelle The little street
Un feu (de signalisation) A traffic light
Un rond-point A roundabout
L'intersection The intersection
Un croisement A cross
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