

06 oct. 2017 09:52 - language-swap

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What is a homonym?
Several words written differently that have the same pronunciation

In French there are a lot of homonyms from different nature.

signe (sign) → cygne (swan)
ancre (anchor) → encre (ink)
sans (without), sang (blood), cent (a hundred)
poux (lice) → pouls (pulse)
conte (tail), compte (count), comte (count)
cher (expensive), cher (dear)
vert (green), ver (worm), vers (towards), verre (glass)
seau (bucket), sot (idiot), saut (jump)
vingt (twenty), vain (vain), vin (wine)
celle (this, that), sel (salt), selle (saddle)
cerf (deer), serf (slave), sert (to serve), serre (greenhouse)
non (no), nom (name)
dense (dense), danse (dance)
chant (to sing), champs (meadow)
mais (but), met (meal), mai (may)
maître (master, mètre (meter), mettre (to put)
pot (), peau (skin)
amende (fine), amande (almond)
coeur (heart), choeur (choir)
voix (voice), voie (way), voit (he/she/it sees)
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