
The difference between ver, verre, vert, vers and vair

13 oct. 2017 08:28 - language-swap

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The words “ver” (worm), “verre” (glass), “vert” (green), “vers” (towards) and “vair” (vair) are French homophones but DO NOT have the same meaning.

“Un ver” in French means a worm which is a little animal with a soft body. The plural of “un ver” is “des vers” not to be confused with the preposition “vers”
Il y avait un ver dans ma pomme.
Des tonnes de vers ont rongé la cabane en bois.

“Verre” in French is the object used to drink something. It is also the material in which is made the glass.
Un verre en verre. ( A glass made of glass)
Plusieurs verres sont posés sur la table.

“Vert” in French is simply the color green.
L'arbre est vert.

The word “vers” has two functions with different meaning. When it's a noun “vers” (verse) means a line of a poem. When “vers” is used as a preposition, it means toward... or around, about.
Je me dirige vers la gare centrale.
On s'est donné rendez-vous vers 18h.

Finaly, the word “vair” (vair) is the fur of a squirrel.
Les pantoufles de Cendrillon étaient faites de vair.

Now careful with this phrase:
Le vers parle d'un verre vert en verre contenant un ver roulant vers la surface du verre enroulé dans du vair.
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