
The difference between : Ce Se Ceux

13 oct. 2017 08:35 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire

The words “ce” (this), “se” and “ceux” (these, those) are French homonyms but DO NOT have the same function.
Let's check them out !

“Ceux” (these, those) is a demonstrative pronoun that substitutes a male plural noun. It can be replaced by “celles” (these, those).
Ceux qui mangent du chocolat ont des boutons.
Celles qui mangent du chocolat ont des boutons.

“Se” is a personal pronoun. It is always put before a pronominal verb (ex: “se décourager” discourage) and is written s' before a pronominal verb starting by a vowel or -h (ex: “s'appeler” be called). It can be replaced by me, te, nous and vous
Elle se décourage rapidement. → Je me décourage rapidement
Il s'appelle Simon. → Nous nous appelons Simon & Jonathan

“Ce” (this,that) is a demonstrative determinant. It is put before a male singular noun and is referred to something or someone. It can be replaced by “ces” (these, those)
Ce chien est à moi.
Ces chiens sont à moi.

“Ce” (this, that) can also be a demonstrative pronoun. In this case, it can be replaced by “ceci” or “cela”.
Ce qui nous rassemble.
Cela nous rassemble.
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