
relative pronoun

17 oct. 2017 09:46 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire

A relative pronoun represents and replaces the noun or the pronoun that is before in a sentence.
In French there are 6 relative pronouns (5 invariable and 1 variable) which are qui, que, quoi, dont, où and lequel.
Let's check them ou!

• QUI (that)
This relative pronoun is used as subject in a sentence and replaces persons, animals and objects
Ex: L'infirmière qui m'a piqué ce matin est la plus gentille.
• À QUI (to whom)
This relative pronoun is used as an indirect object. It is preceded by the preposition “à” and always replaces a person.
Ex: L'enfant à qui tu as donné un bonbon est mon neveu.
• QUE (that)
This relative pronoun is used as a direct object in a sentence and replaces persons, animals or objects.
Ex: Le chien que tu viens de caresser est tout doux.
This relative pronoun is used to talk about things only. It generally replaces something with a vague sense like ce (this), chose (thing), quelque chose (something), rien (nothing)
Ex: C'est ce à quoi j'ai pensé en m'endormant.
• DONT (which, whose, of which)
This relative pronoun is surely the most difficult for someone who is not French.
Indeed, it has a lot of functions but always replaces persons, objects or animals.
*It can be a complement of the noun.
Ex: L'homme dont le bras est cassé est mon voisin. (whose arm is broken)
*It can be an indirect object.
Ex: L'armoire dont j'ai négocié le prix est blanche.
(of which I negociated the price)
*It can be complement of the adjectives
Ex: La maman regarde tendrement ses enfants dont elle est fière. (of whom she's proud of)
• Où (where)
This relative pronoun generally replace “lequel” preceded of a preposition. However it is always a complement of place or a time complement.
Ex: Je me rappelle du jour où je l'ai rencontrée.
(where I saw her; complement of time).
Ex: Je suis retourné d
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