
The difference between la, là, las, l'as, l'a

14 nov. 2017 08:31 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire plus

The words “la” (the), “là” (here, there), “las” (tired), “l'as” and “l'a” are French homophones but DO NOT have the same meaning.

The possessive adjective “la” is a female singular noun determinant. It can be replaced by “ma” (my) or “cette” (this).
La table est dans le salon.
Ma table est dans le salon.

The word “là” (here, there) is an adverb that indicates the place. It can be replaced by “ici” (here).
Je suis là. (I'm here)
Le libre est posé là. (The book is there)
Je suis ici. (I'm here)

“Las” is an adjective meaning tiredness. It can be replaced by “fatigué” (tired).
Je suis las de travailler.

“L'as” and “l'a” are actually quite the same thing.
Let's begin with “l'as”. It is formed by the determinant “le” (the) or “la” (the) to which we took of the vowel -e or -a followed by the verb “avoir” (to have) conjugated at the second person singular at the present tense. It can be replaced by “l'avais”.
Tu l'as posé à la cuisine.
Il l'a posé à la cuisine.

“l'a” still is formed by the determinant “le” (the) or “la” (the) to which we took of the vowel -e or -a followed by the verb “avoir” (to have) conjugated at the third person singular at the present tense. It can be replaced by “l'avait”.
Il l'a cherché à l'école.
Il l'avait cherché à l'école.

/!\ Warning:
The “l'” is the contraction of la/le + avoir. This la/le represent something that already has been said or mentioned.
Il mange la tarte → Il l'a mangée.

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