

06 oct. 2017 09:35 - language-swap

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In every language, the interjections are different, French do apply to this rule, now let's see French interjections:

Pain: Aie! Oh!
Admiration, indignation, surprise, desire: Ah! Oh!
Astonishment, impatience: Oh! Eh! Eh bien! Ah! Bah! Oups!
Relief: Ouf!
Joy, satisfaction: Oh! Ah! Eh! Hourra!
Not knowing: Euh… Bah…
Aversion, disgust: Pfouah! Pouah!
Fed up with something: Pfff…
Cheering: Hue! Bravo! Ouais! Super! Bien! Hop!
Calling: Hallô (phone), Hé! Ho! Psst ! (someone)
Making someone shut: Chut!
Anger: Stop! Zut alors!

To represent noises:

Plouf! → water
Vlan! → something slamming
Crac! → something cracking
Paf! → Something slapping
Clac! → something slapping, breaking
Brrr! → Cold
Miam-miam → eating
Slurp! → drinking
Cocorico → the hen
Ding dong → the bell ring
Toc toc! → knocking
Atchoum → when sneezing
Bzzzz → insect flying
Dring! → Telephone ringing
Miaou → Cat mewing
Wouf! → dog barking
Meuh! → cow
Ouin! → baby crying
Tic-tac! → Clock ticking
Pshit pshit! → something springing
Snif! → somebody sniffing
Vroum! → car vibrating
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