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the weather
06 oct. 2017 09:42 - language-swap
Niveau débutant
In every language there are expressions to talk about how the weather is like. It is always useful to know them. Let's list them.Le soleil brille It's sunny. The sun is shining
Il y a des nuages It's cloudy.
Il pleut. It's rainy/ raining.
Il y a du vent. It's windy.
Il neige. It's snowing/ snowy.
Il fait mauvais/moche. The weather is bad.
Il y a du brouillard. It's foggy
Il grêle. It hails.
Il y a de l'orage. Ça tonne. There is a storm. It is thundering.
Il fait chaud. It's hot
Il fait froid. It's cold.
Il y a un arc-en-ciel. There is a rainbow.
Il gèle. It's frosty.
Le soleil The sun
Le nuage The cloud
La pluie The rain
Le vent The wind
La neige The snow
Le brouillard The fog
La grêle The hail
Le flocon de neige The snowflake
La tempête The tempest
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