

06 oct. 2017 09:45 - language-swap

Niveau débutant

It is very common to talk about our own family, so let's see how do French call their family member.

La famille The family
Les parents Parents
Père, papa Father, dad
Mère, maman Mother, mom
Un enfant Child
Des enfants Children
Le frère Brother
La soeur Sister
Les frère et soeurs The siblings
Le fils The son
La fille The daughter
Les grand-parents The grandparents
Le grand-père The grandfather
La grand-mère The grand-mother
Un petit enfant A grandchild
Des petits enfants Grandchildren
Un petit-fils A grandson
Une petite-fille A granddaughter
L'oncle The uncle
La tante The aunt
Le cousin The cousin
La cousine The cousin
La nièce The niece
Le neveu The nephew
Le parrain The godfather
La marraine The godmother
Le filleul The godson
La filleule The goddaughter
La belle-mère The step-mother
Le beau-père The step-father
La belle-mère The mother-in-law
Le beau-père The father-in-law
Le demi-frère The half-brother
La demie-soeur The half-sister
Le gendre The son-in-law
La bru The daughter-in-law
Un membre de la famille A relative/ a family member

To be known:
The in-laws and the “steps” have the same translation in French “beau” when male and “belle” when female.
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