
the difference between : Ci-joint ou ci-joint/e(s)

13 oct. 2017 08:44 - language-swap

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When French write an e-mail it is very common for them to write “ci-joint” (in attached). However it is difficult to know if we have to put a -s in the end of it or not.
The rule is pretty simple though. Let's check it together.


Voici ci-joint les documents demandés.
Les pièces ci-jointes sont au format PDF.
Ci-joint les formulaires à remplir.
Ma carte d'identité ci-jointe sera à imprimer.

As we can see, if “ci-joint” is put before the noun that it refers to, it does not agree with it. Yet, if it's put after the noun that it refers to, it HAS to agree.
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