
how to agree the past participle

17 oct. 2017 10:03 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire

In French, you have to agree the past participle, so it can difficult for strangers to do it.
However, there are rules you can follow in order not to make mistake.
The past participle can have three different natures, let's see that:

A. The past participle employed as an adjective.

It has to agree to the noun it qualifies anyways.
Un homme accompli est un homme joyeux.
Une femme interessée est une femme qui rit.

B. The past participle with the auxiliary “avoir” (to have)

*When there is no direct object, the past participle doesn't agree
J'ai sifflé comme un oiseau.

*When there is a direct object put after the verb, the past participle doesn't agree
Les garçons ont mangé tous les gâteaux.

*When there is a direct object put before the verb, the past participle agrees
As-tu lu la lettre que je t'ai offerte.

C. The past participle with the auxiliary “être” (to be)

It has to agree anyways
Elle est allée acheter du pain.

D. The past participle with pronominal verbs

When the pronoun (me, te, se…) is a direct object of the verb (se rencontrer, se voir, se baigner,…), it agrees.
Elles se sont baignées dans le lac.
Ils se sont vus en Irlande.

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