
tense sequencing.

17 oct. 2017 11:20 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire plus

The time-line is very important in every language in order to keep a logical sentence.
However there are rules that are to be known.
It is to be applied when there is a principal proposition and a subordinate one.
Let's see:

1. I use the “imparfait” (preterit) to express the simultaneity. It is used when the verb of the principal is another “imparfait” or a “passé simple”.
*Je croyais qu'elle était partie.
*Je crus qu'elle était partie.

2. I use the “plus-que-parfait” to express the anteriority. It is used when the verb of the principal is “imparfait” or a “passé simple”.
*Je lui disais que j'avais fini les devoirs de maths pour demain.
*Je lui dis que j'avais fini les devoirs de maths pour demain.

3. I use the “passé simple” to express the fact that something happened briefly. It is used when the verb of the principal is at the “imparfait”.
*Je regardais la télévision quand quelqu'un entra dans ma maison.

4. I use the present conditional to express the posteriority of an action. It is used when the verb of the principal is conjugated at the “passé simple” or at the “plus-que-parfait”
* J'avais bien compris que vous ne viendriez pas.
*Je compris que vous ne viendriez pas.

5. I use the “passé composé” when the principal is conjugated at the present tense.
*Je crois que je l'ai déjà fait.
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