
passive phrases

14 nov. 2017 08:27 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire plus

In French, the sentence can be put at the active voice or at the passive voice.
At the active voice, the subject does the action while at the passive voice, the subject undergoes the action. Meaning that the subject becomes an indirect object and the indirect object becomes the subject.

Le chat mange la souris.
La souris est mangée par le chat.

It is important to remember that in the passive sentence the verb is always conjugated with the auxiliary “être” (to be). Since we use the verb “être” (to be), the adjective has to agree with the subject.
Partagez ce sujet :


Il n'y a pas encore de réponses.
Supprimer ?

Attention, confirmez-vous la suppression de cet élément ?


Confirmez-vous vouloir vous déconnecter ?

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