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14 nov. 2017 08:35 - language-swap
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What is a prefix? It is a little element added to the radical of a wordEvery language has its own prefixes in order to change the nature of a word or in order to give him a different meaning.
Let's see the French prefixes.
A, an Negation Amoral, analphabète, anormal
Ad, ac Meaning it's closer or added Accompagner, additionner
Aéro Coming from the air Aérodynamique, aéroport
Anti Opposed to Antichoc, antigel, antisocial
Auto By oneself Autocollant, autodidacte,
Bi, di Two Bimestriel, bicentenaire,
Co, col, con, com Together Cohabiter, colocataire,
Dé Separation Détacher, démonter, dépasser
Ex Outside Expatrié, exporter
Mal Bad Malhonnête, malpropre
Néo New Néonatal, néologisme
Pro For, before Procréaton, prologue
Sur Extra … Surdoué, surpasser, surplus
Tri Three Triangle, triathlon, tricycle
Trans On the other side Transatlantique
In, im, irr, ill Negation Inapte, impossible, irréel, illogique
Après After Après-demain, après-guerre,
Avant Before Avant-bras, avant-goût
Hyper On top Hyperactif, hypermarché
Syn With Synchroniser, syndicat
Hypo Under Hypoallergénique, hypophyse
Arch, archi Above Archange, archimage
Dys With problem Dysléxie, dyspraxie, dysphasie
Homo Same Homogène, homosexuel,
Sub Under Subconscient, subalterne
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